Sanding / Accessories / materials

For quality work, you need a good sander, as well as suitable sandpaper (discs) for different ways of sanding. Let’s not forget the tools you may also need, such as diamond plates, paper cleaners, abrasive sponges and blocks, various abrasive brushes, maybe even sets – it all depends on what and how much you plan to sand.
Browse our website and find the right products for you. Our offer is really extensive, everyone will find something for themselves, even if it is only for amateur use, where there is only occasionally need for quality sandpaper. You can be sure that you will get everything you need from us.
Because it is easy to use and contains enough attachments and grinding sleeves to meet the needs of every average user. However, before you buy, find out what such sets contain, which drilling machines do the attachments fit and the like.