Nesting tool holder Aerotech Hydro 95 Plus CRUING
CRUING Aerotech Hydro 95 Plus is the most accurate hydraulic CNC clamp for CNC machining on the market. Cutters with a stem diameter of 16 mm are hydraulically clamped in the tool holder, and cutters with a stem diameter of 12 mm can also be clamped with the help of a bushing. Clamping the cutter is easy and fast.
The main advantages of the tool holder are:
o better dust extraction,
o cleaner air in the workshop,
o longer blade life due to cooling and lower tolerance due to Hydro clamping.
CRUING Aerotech Hydro 95 Plus
CRUING hydro is a HYDRAULIC CNC tool holder into which the router bits are clamped with the help of an Allen screw on the side. The Allen screw compresses the hydraulic fluid with the help of a seal to reduce the hole for the router bit and consequently holds the CNC router bit.
Hydraulic clamping of router bits has many advantages, such as: lower tolerance and therefore longer life of the bit and the aggregate, easy and fast tool change, stronger clamping of the bit, etc.
Cruing Aerotech is an “air turbine” that helps us extract the cut material. Aerotech is suitable for use in NESTING machining of surface elements, as it needs to be about 5 mm away from the workpiece, but never less than 2 mm. If the Aerotech turbine is closer to the workpiece by less than 2 mm, the extraction efficiency is reduced and it can collide with the workpiece.
Advantages of using Cruing Aerotech Hydro:
- better extraction from the workpiece,
- clean work area
- quick and easy tool change,
- increased accuracy due to hydraulic clamping,
- extended blade life due to cooling and reduced tolerance,
- cleaner workshop air (workers' health).